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Adcock, Councillor Jim Adcock
Allnatt, Councillor Pip Allnatt
Atherton, Councillor Ian Atherton
Atherton, Councillor Siggy Atherton
Brown, Councillor Mike Brown
Browne, Councillor Ronan Browne
Butcher, Councillor Sharon Butcher (Prev Brown)
Carter, Councillor Steven Carter
Child, Councillor Robert Child
Chubb, Councillor David Chubb
Clay, Councillor Margaret Clay
Cliff, Councillor Helen Cliff
Cox, Councillor Sarah Cox
Cumbers, Councillor Pat Cumbers
Evans, Councillor Christopher Evans
Freer, Councillor Alison Freer
Glancy, Councillor Margaret Glancy
Gordon, Councillor Marilyn Gordon
Graham MBE, Councillor Malise Graham MBE
Hewson, Councillor Alan Hewson
Higgins, Councillor Leigh Higgins
Lumley, Councillor Simon Lumley
Mason, Councillor James Mason
Orson, Councillor Joe Orson
Orson, Councillor Simon Orson
Pitt Miller, Councillor Charlie Pitt Miller
Pritchett, Councillor Donald Pritchett
Sharp, Councillor Richard Sharp
Thwaites, Councillor Allen Thwaites
Vacancy, Vacancy
Webster, Councillor Tim Webster
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