Issue - meetings

Food Enterprise Centre Update

Meeting: 16/12/2020 - Cabinet (Item 137)


The Portfolio Holder for Growth and Prosperity (and Deputy Leader) to submit a report to note the work undertaken in support of growth and prosperity and approve plans to establish a new Food Enterprise Centre in Melton.

Additional documents:




1)  NOTED the work undertaken to support the promotion of growth and prosperity within Melton.

2)  APPROVED plans to establish a new Food Enterprise Centre in Melton and notes the resources allocated and next steps.


Pranali Parikh, Director for Growth and Regeneration introduced the report, the purpose of which was to note the work undertaken in support of growth and prosperity and approve plans to establish a new Food Enterprise Centre in Melton.


Ms. Parikh advised that establishing a Food Enterprise Centre and reinforcing Melton’s identity as a rural capital of food was a priority within the Council’s Corporate Strategy.  The food production sector was key to Melton’s economy and the Council’s support and enhancement was crucial.  Total funding for the project was £150k (representing Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership funding of £100k and Council funding of £50k).


Ms. Parikh detailed the Council’s ambitious plan to establish a Food Enterprise Centre (working with and enabling farmers and food growers in the area; facilitating development of employment sites and facilities by developing the sites allocated in the Local Plan; technical support for businesses to help them retain and grow in size and ambition; developing skills in partnership with educational establishments to use skills and expertise; enhancing experience on the high street, within the town centre and rural areas by connecting food production and food experience placed and creating the farm to folk approach) and plan for enhancement through development of a cluster of businesses with on site production, classroom development facilities, networking possibilities, promotion and marketing.  Partnership working would be key to the success of the project.


Funding opportunities would be sought for the next phase of Food Enterprise Centre investment and a range of activities to help create a detailed business case were detailed within the report.


Councillor Leigh Higgins, Portfolio Holder for Growth & Prosperity (and Deputy Leader) thanked Ms. Parikh and her team for their work.  He highlighted that Melton was a strategic growth area in the Leicestershire growth plan and the strategic growth plan, which had been adopted.  Sustainable growth was key to the creation of employment opportunities.


Councillor Higgins thanked the hospitality sector for their endurance through the Covid-19 pandemic.  The Council had undertaken work to support the sector and continued to lobby Government to ensure it received adequate funding.


Councillor Higgins highlighted that the Council aimed to include other initiatives in this plan to ensure that Melton benefited from any growth.  He noted the work of food scientists to help drive Melton’s economy and commented on the success of local businesses, which helped to promote Melton.  He added that a Food Enterprise Centre would drive regeneration and tourism.


During discussion the following points were noted:


  • Members welcomed the proposals and plans detailed in the report and thanks Councillor Higgins, Ms. Parikh and her team for their work.
  • Melton’s high quality food products were based on history, heritage and tradition and were enjoyed nationally and internationally, as well as locally.
  • Food was a growing industry and the plans to support and enhance this sector were important for Melton’s future.  Members looked forward to the economic investment and improvements in Melton as a result of the project.
  • Members noted that the Council was working closely  ...  view the full minutes text for item 137