Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Thursday, 9th November, 2017 6.00 pm

Venue: Parkside, Station Approach, Burton Street, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, LE13 1GH

Contact: Development Control 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Cllr Posnett sent her apologies and was substituted by Cllr Rhodes.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 178 KB

To confirm the minutes of the previous meetings on 28.09.17, 17.10.17 (Special Meeting of the Planning Committee) and 19.10.17

Additional documents:


Minutes of the meetings held on 28th September 2017, 17th October 2017 (Special Meeting of the Planning Committee) and 19th October 2017.


Approval of the minutes was proposed by Cllr Wyatt and seconded by Cllr Baguley. It was unanimously agreed, by all Members who were present at the previous meetings, that the Chair sign them as a true record.


Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 53 KB

Members to declare any interest as appropriate in respect of items to be considered at this meeting.


Cllr Rhodes declared that he is a County Councillor and that there may be references to the County Council during the meetings discussions.


The Chair announced that he had been asked by Cllr Orson, who is the Ward Member for Old Dalby, to note that he was unable to fulfil his role as Ward Member for the two applications to be discussed, due to a disclosable pecuniary interest.


Schedule of Applications


17/00743/OUT pdf icon PDF 298 KB

Land At East Lodge, Longcliff Hill, Old Dalby


Applicant:      HSSP

Location:        Longcliff Hill, Old Dalby

Proposal:      Outline application for the development of seven dwellings (amended description from six to seven dwellings)


A Cllr raised a question regarding how Cllrs could declare an interest in this application if the applicant is unknown.


It was confirmed that HSSP Architects are both the agent and the applicant.


(a)       The Planning Officer (GBA) stated that: Just a couple of updates, the first relating to both reports for Old Dalby.

It has been observed that the wording in the report on how Old Dalby is one of the most sustainable in Melton is too definitive. Its position as performing relatively well in terms of its facilities was concluded in the settlement roles report of April 2015 to support the new local plan. He advised that the case discussion of Queensway on page 7 is now considered not relevant and should be ignored. 


In relation to the application itself it proposes an outline only with access application for 7 dwellings from a revised original submission of six. The proposal relates well to the village and therefore will provide additional homes in a location with good access to services.


In the absence of an adopted neighbourhood nor local plan advising otherwise, we are therefore considering the proposal in line with the NPPF which promotes development in the most sustainable locations which includes Old Dalby according to our most up-to-date research.


For this reason therefore an approval recommendation is given.


(b)       Cllr Bennett, on behalf of Broughton and Dalby Parish Council, was invited to speak and stated that:

           The Parish Council are opposed to the application.

           Proposes further housing which is not required.

           Site is in open countryside.

           The already approved applications in Old Dalby have filled the available capacity of the local primary school.

           The nearest surgery at Long Clawson is already under pressure.

           Poor transport links and these have also recently been downgraded, increasing the reliance on motor cars.

           Melton local plan approved by Cllrs and submitted for examination. This would not be consistent with policies recently voted for by Cllrs.

           Recent decisions in Waltham (outlined in the minutes of 19th October 2017) gave significant weight to the emerging local plan policies and to Walthams own neighbourhood plan.

           Minimal housing requirements have been fully met already.

           Not on land identified for development.

           Outside proposed limits to development.

           Two recent appeal decisions were both refused. The Planning Inspector confirmed that policy OS2 carried weight and also sighted sustainability concerns.

           Cumulative effect of other approved applications on the limited resources available in Old Dalby.


A Cllr asked if Cllr Bennett knew who the landowners are.


Cllr Bennett responded that he had been told in confidence but could confirm that it was a limited company and not a resident of Old Dalby.


The Head of Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services sought confirmation that these questions were intended to assist with their consideration of Member  ...  view the full minutes text for item PL57.1


17/00822/OUT pdf icon PDF 287 KB

East Lodge, Longcliff Hill, Old Dalby


Applicant:      Mr G Gray

Location:        East Lodge, Longcliff Hill, Old Dalby, LE14 3LP

Proposal:       Outline planning permission for 8 dwellings and access (some matters reserved).


(a)       The Planning Officer (GBA) stated that: This specific application proposes eight houses north of the previous scheme along an access road to the property of Longcliffe Hill House.

Despite having the sustainable credentials as previously discussed however, this development proposes a development that in planning terms fails to respect the character of Old Dalby and therefore outweighs any benefits the scheme may have demonstrably and significantly and therefore is recommended for refusal.


Prior to taking up his allocated speakers slot Cllr Bennett requested confirmation of the address as the Planning Officer (GBA) had referred to Longcliffe House. The Planning Officer extended his apologies and confirmed that the report referred to East Lodge.


(b)       Cllr Bennett, on behalf of Broughton and Dalby Parish Council, was invited to speak and stated that:

           The parish council agreed with the recommendation of refusal and that additional planning matters should be taken in to account.

           The Planning Committee Members set a precedent with how much weight it applies to the emerging local plan and the advanced neighbourhood plans, in the recent decisions on proposals in Waltham on the Wolds, at their meeting on 17th October 2017.

           Inconsistent with both policies in both plans. It does not form part of the plan development and thus is considered windfall, lying outside the proposed limits to development.

           Old Dalby has already exceeded its minimum housing requirement.

           Recent appeal decisions for our parish also update the interpretation policies. These should also be given weight.

           The housing mix proposed is incorrect.


(c)        James Botterill, agent on behalf of the applicant, was invited to speak and stated that:

           There are many positive aspects to the scheme.

           No technical objections.

           In a sustainable location and will assist in providing much needed housing.

           The Officers report has been written as if previous recent approvals do not exist. In fact they add a substantial material weight to the application of this site.

           The Officers recommended refusal for Mr Benbow’s application for the same reasons as this one. It is about 100 metres to the west of our site. However the Members approved that application. The applications are very similar.

           The approvals for Mr Orson and Mr Benbow have set an enormous precedent for residential development for this part of the village.

           Our scheme can‘t be considered any more disjointed to the village than these.

           By travel distance the siting of our dwellings are significantly closer to the existing built fabric of the village. Resulting in shorter walking distances to the local amenities.


A Cllr asked where you draw the line with planning permissions as they could keep going on.


Mr Botterill responded that this particular scheme is well contained with a private drive to the east which forms a natural boundary and also got  ...  view the full minutes text for item PL57.2


17/00391/REM pdf icon PDF 229 KB

Field 1357, Melton Road, Waltham on the Wolds


Applicant:      MHB Planning Ltd

Location:        Field 1357, Melton Road, Waltham On The Wolds

Proposal:       Reserved Matters application for 45 dwellings.


(a)       The Head of Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services stated that: 

           The application was for reserved matters pursuant to outline permission

           The applicant is aware of concerns regarding the use of stone and has sought the Committee’s guidance in this regard

           He highlighted the areas of the application that have been the subject of contention, particularly where it adjoins houses on Melton Road.


(b)       Martin Lusty, on behalf of Waltham on the Wolds Parish Council, was invited to speak and stated that:

           Clarified that the Parish Councils letter in July wasn’t specifically an objection. Generally in support of the application and want to see the houses built and be an asset to the village.

           Raised some issues and a number of them have been addressed.

           Still concerns regarding the aesthetics and road safety.

           Would prefer stone instead of substitute products. Disagree with the mix of brick and stone. Should be 100% in stone.

           There is a requirement for road safety traffic calming within the site but would like to see some outside of the site.

           Speed watch data and recent activity show that drivers are still exceeding the speed limit.

           A speed indicator was proposed years ago but hasn’t happened because of funding. Could this be funded by this scheme?

           Concerns regarding the junction.


A Cllr asked for clarification regarding the speed indicator and it was confirmed that it is the type of board which flashes with the speed at which you are travelling.


The Chair commented that almost one third of the current dwellings in the village are rendered or brick with no stone.


Mr Lusty confirmed that he was aware but that had been due to bad planning decisions in the past. Some of those houses are inconsistent with a conservation village.


The Head of Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services advised Members that with regards to the junction there were plans to adjust the width of road, relocate the central island and contributions to a beacon crossing. Although Waltham contains a Conservation Area, it is not the whole village and doesn’t include this site. In his opinion, insistence on stone seems unjustified for some parts of the site.


A Cllr raised concerns regarding the use of stone and insisted all houses at the front of the development should be 100% stone. They also had concerns regarding the width of the road and road safety.


The Chair reminded Members that the Ward Cllr can be involved in the process regarding materials used.


Cllr Holmes proposed approval of the application and noted that the houses would all look different anyway however there were still concerns regarding road safety. Asked if the Planning Officer could liaise with applicant regarding their concerns.


The Chair noted that the access/junction had previously been granted at outline and that they were now dealing with  ...  view the full minutes text for item PL57.3


17/00836/FUL pdf icon PDF 137 KB

Field 8636, Eastwell Road, Waltham on the Wolds


Applicant:      Mr and Mrs Newton

Location:        Field 8636 Eastwell Road Waltham

Proposal:       Relocation of Hop Inn Rabbit Hotel and construction of storage buildings.


(a)       The Regulatory Services Manager stated that:


Updates –


1. Parish Council   concerns about sustainability and viability of new dwelling in this location .


2. Email  from agent – considers that email of 5th Sept 2017 has not been addressed . The points in that email were summarised and answered by the RSM. In summary, he did not consider that it raised any material considerations of sufficient  relevance or weight to make a difference to the recommendation to recommend that permission should be refused.


The proposed site is a 7 acre plot of land in the open countryside on the road between Waltham and Eastwell. The adjacent triangular piece of land bordered by the road network has over past years been subdivided up into various paddocks and small farming enterprises.


 Hop Inn provides pet boarding facilities which accommodate House Rabbits and Guinea Pigs and involves the storage and sale of pet play products “Hop Inn” branded speciality tunnels, cubes and hideouts.  Hop Inn was established 5 years ago in a barn attached to a grade 2 listed building situated in the conservation village of Stonesby.


The applicants argue that there is an established business model and client base of 150+ and that there is now the opportunity to create the first bespoke rabbit and guinea pig hotel in the UK.


The proposal comprises accommodation, both residential to the occupant and business to the rabbits with increased outdoor grazing area, the applicant also wishes to broaden the operating base by growing and selling quality meadow hay and continuing to grow Christmas Trees (existing on land) and would also provide education services at the new business location.  The proposal also includes a number of storage buildings, garages and barns.


The NPPF at para 55 states that should avoid isolated dwellings in the countryside unless there are  special circumstances .  It is not considered that there are sufficient special circumstances in this case.


Support expert advice that this is a non-rural enterprise proposed to relocate on a green field in the open countryside. It should be assessed under normal planning  policies and not as an agricultural  dwelling or other rural occupation


(b)       Mr Richard Cooper, agent on behalf of the applicant, was invited to speak and stated that:

           28.5% increase in profit.

           Business is financially sustainable.

           There is a need for a dwelling.

           They will seek to protect the countryside.

           Supports sustainable growth in rural areas and assessed as suitable.

           Additional use of all land for grazing.

           Increase business by the sale of meadow hay, Christmas tree growing and supporting vet students.

           Social and economic benefits.

           They would consider a tie on dwelling to prevent future use without the business.


A Cllr asked if the applicant was in receipt of a single farm payment.


Mrs Newton stated she was unable  ...  view the full minutes text for item PL57.4


17/00582/FULHH pdf icon PDF 183 KB

10 Church Lane, Redmile


Applicant:      Dr and Mrs Lobo

Location:        The Byre 10 Church Lane Redmile NG13 0GE

Proposal:       First floor extension


(a)       The Regulatory Services Manager stated that:

A number of messages from 3 neighbours ( 4,8,and 12 Church Lane ) making the following comments:


The report is inaccurate and does not give sufficient weight to their concerns and objections about overlooking have not been addressed –    the report ( pages 106-107) addresses key issues of residential amenity and privacy .


Consider that proposal is noticeable from Church Lane, contrary to report  – accept that extension would be seen from Church Lane


Parking is already a problem –  no evidence that an additional bedroom would make a significant difference to the situation


Request that Members visit their properties to appreciate the impact upon them - most of the Committee members have done so


Scale is not in keeping


Will be overlooked – not significantly and note that roof lights are above head height

Request that PD rights be removed as more windows would exacerbate the situation –  this is a matter for Members to consider , it is not considered an unreasonable request


Issue is not loss of view, but loss of light  – understood and addressed in report


Difference in levels is an issue - Accept that application site is slightly higher than neighbours


Adverse impact upon heritage assets – RSM site is in conservation area and addressed by conservation officer in report ( page 104)

Disruption from building works – this was agreed , it would be inevitable for a limited period


Message from applicant – considers that he has done all that he can to minimise impact upon neighbours.    


The application seeks planning permission for a first floor extension to form master bedroom/en-suite and dressing room. The proposal as amended measures 0.8 metres in height and spans 10.2 metres across the existing dwelling, providing 2.3 metre high living accommodation at ground floor and 2.2 metre high living accommodation at first floor.  The proposed materials are red reclaimed brick to walls, and existing pantiles will be used for the roof.  The site is located within Redmile and forms part of the designated Conservation Area.


It is considered that the main issues relating to the application are:


           The impact of the proposal on the residential amenities of neighbouring properties

           The visual impact of the proposal on the character and appearance of the settlement


The impact on  neighbours has been reduced by an amendment which reduced the height of the proposal by 0.5m. It is considered that while there may be some impact upon neighbours to the east ,particularly No.8,this would not have a significantly adverse impact upon the amenities of these neighbours.


There would be some impact upon the character and appearance of the area.


Members may wish to consider whether it would be appropriate to remove PD rights as requested by one of the neighbours.


(b)       Cllr Amanda Johnson, on behalf of Barkestone, Plungar and Redmile Parish  ...  view the full minutes text for item PL57.5


Urgent Business


Report from the Head of Regulatory Services regarding Long Clawson, Hose and Harby Residents Petition pdf icon PDF 282 KB

To advise Members of the receipt of a petition relating to the Neighbourhood Plan and Planning Applications in Long Clawson, Hose and Harby


The Chair noted the report and the recommendation to consider the petition and decline the proposed request to halt development until the neighbourhood plan is examined and passed.


He advised he was offended that it had been suggested that Members have a lack of concern and cited a substantial series of examples which demonstrated this to be unjustified. The included those where Members had sought expert advice regarding traffic, flooding and schooling.  And they had also gained substantial financial contributions for education, traffic calming on Melton Road, and contributions towards the village hall in Harby.  Improvements to the bus stop and the access on to Colston Lane, Harby. They had secured a sustainable drainage system and measures to improve pedestrian safety. The Chair also questioned the wisdom of postponing decisions to await something that there is no guarantee would be achieved.


Cllr Rhodes, Ward Cllr for Long Clawson and Stathern, commented that the petition has been signed by the vast majority of Long Clawson residents. The right thing to do would be to delay applications until the local plan and neighbourhood plan has gone further forward. Opposed to the recommendations.


Members expressed their concerns regarding the request and some sympathised with Long Clawson due to the flooding and understood their frustrations as they had previously not received money promised to them to help alleviate flooding.


Cllr Botterill proposed to decline the proposed request in line with the officers recommendations and offered his support to them.


Cllr Glancy seconded the proposal and noted that she was disappointed that the public don’t trust Members  to continue to make these decisions.


A vote was taken. 9 Members voted for the proposal and 2 Members voted against.


The Chair expressed the Members thanks to Patrick Reid, The Regulatory Services Manager, for all his support and work over the last 4 years and wished him well in his retirement.