Agenda and draft minutes

Planning Committee - Thursday, 11th January, 2018 6.00 pm

Venue: Parkside, Station Approach, Burton Street, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, LE13 1GH

Contact: Development Control 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence




Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 53 KB

Members to declare any interest as appropriate in respect of items to be considered at this meeting.


Cllr Baguley declared a personal and pecuniary interest in application 17/00507/COU – The John Dory, Barkestone Le Vale.


Cllr Greenow declared a personal and pecuniary interest in application 17/01320/FUL – Land South of Hill Top Farm, Melton Mowbray and application 17/01044/FUL – Cattle Market, Melton Mowbray.


Schedule of Applications


17/00507/COU pdf icon PDF 366 KB

The John Dory 2 Rutland Square Barkestone Le Vale


Applicant: Mike Timson

Location: The John Dory, 2 Rutland Square, Barkestone Le Vale

Proposal: Conversion of former public house/restaurant/living accommodation into two dwellings


Cllr Baguley left the room for the duration of this application at 18:04


The Planning Officer (JL)  provided a detailed update on information provider by both the owner and the prospective purchasers regarding progress towards the sale of  the property to the ‘BHG’ group, explaining the terms being discussed and the progress towards agreement


She also reported that The BHG have made reference to a recent appeal decision in Thorpe Satchville. This relates to the Fox Inn, which was dismissed, however in this case the Inspector was not satisfied that there had been sufficient marketing carried out (they did also note that the loss of the pub would result in the loss of a community facility and would not demonstrate sustainable development.

There is also an outstanding ACV nomination on the property. This is yet to be determined, however the report does provide the previous history on this process, which has included three rejected ACV nominations in the past.


A Cllr sought clarification on the current state of affairs with regards to the sale of the pub to the local residents group.


The Planning Officer responded that a purchase price had been agreed and heads of terms had been agreed.


A Cllr sought legal advice on the current situation.


The Solicitor to the Council responded that even if heads of terms have been agreed, there is no legal agreement between the two parties for a deal to go ahead.


The Chair invited a deferral from the floor.


Cllr Chandler proposed to defer the application to allow greater time for the details of the sale to be concluded.


Cllr Wyatt seconded the motion to defer the application.


A Cllr queried whether both sides had agreed to the heads of terms.


The Planning Officer responded that the purchaser had not yet agreed to the heads of terms.


A Vote was taken on the motion to defer.


7 Members supported the motion

2 Members voted against the motion

1 Member abstained from the vote


DETERMINATION: DEFER, to allow more time for negotiations regarding the sale of the property to be concluded.


17/00982/OUT pdf icon PDF 385 KB

Sunny Cottage 2 Pinfold Lane Bottesford


Applicant: Mr Gamble

Location: Sunny Cottage, 2 Pinfold Lane, Bottesford

Proposal: Demolition of existing dwelling house and garage.  Replacement development of residential units to include four dwelling houses (C3 use) (amended proposal for four dwellings not five as previously submitted.)


Cllr Baguley returned to the meeting at 18:19


The Planning Officer (GBA) introduced the report and advised:


The application is for four new dwellings outline all matters reserved involving the demolition of one already on site.

Three more representations have been received which object on grounds of safety, important corner removing openness and report matters

Site visit will have informed the Committee’s appreciation for density in Bottesford – it is difficult to estimate and varies in different parts of the village but around the 8 dwellings per hectare.


He apologised that the site is referred to as Greenfield in the report but not the case.


The site is considered acceptable in terms of highway safety and improvement through Reserved matters. LCC Highways have been scrutinised over findings and are satisfied with their recommendation.


Development proposes two dwellings with good amenities to all and reflect local need with ample parking Features to integrate the site into the location will be brought about through a successful Reserved Matters scheme.


Sequential test queries

The flooding advisors maintain the EA guidelines and have been followed.

LLFA comments suggest that the development will have features to mitigate against impacts of flooding. 


a)         Bob Bayman, on behalf of the Parish Council, was invited to speak and stated that:

           Parish Council objects to this application.

           There is a large residential area nearby that gains access through Pinfold Lane.

           The proposed access is at the narrowest point on Pinfold Lane.

           There are another two junctions nearby and this will make the highways issue worse.

           This site is near the entrance to the village, and this will damage the village feel.

           It is a poor design and not in keeping with the street scene.


A Cllr queried whether access had already been decided.


Mr Bayman responded that access is likely to be at the proposed site entrance on the illustrative plans.


A Cllr asked whether they had been any serious accidents on the road here.

Mr Bayman responded that there are constant near misses, and that you shouldn’t be waiting for a bad accident before anything is done about it.


b)         Kevin Stones, an objector, was invited to speak and stated that:

           His rear garden backs onto this site.

           It is not large enough for the proposed dwellings.

           There are significant objections to this proposal within the village.

           This will cause a lot of on street parking.

           There are highways issues in the area, and a lot of schoolchildren use the nearby footpaths.

           There are daily near misses in the area.

           The highways issues here have been known to residents for years, and this proposal will make the site worse.

           This is contrary to the  ...  view the full minutes text for item PL71.2


16/00352/OUT pdf icon PDF 299 KB

Field 3957 Manor Road Easthorpe


Applicant: Mr Andy Norris

Location: Field 3957, Manor Road, Easthorpe

Proposal: Proposed residential development


The Head of Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services stated that we are waiting for the results of a sequential test, as the current results are inconclusive.


The Chair invited a deferral.


Cllr Holmes proposed a deferral.


Cllr Chandler seconded the motion for a deferral.


A Cllr commented that we should be deciding the application, like the previous application, to remain consistent.


The Head of Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services commented that the previous application did not have a sequential test, whilst this application does and we are currently waiting for conclusive results.


A Cllr stated that this application is off Muston Lane and not Manor Road, and that we need to wait for the full results of the sequential test.


A Cllr stated that there are worse flood issues here than in the area of the previous application.


A Vote was taken on the motion to defer.


11 Members supported the motion.

0 Members opposed the motion.

0 Members abstained from the vote.


DETERMINATION: DEFER, to allow for the submission of an updated and completed Sequential Test.


17/00397/FUL pdf icon PDF 557 KB

Land opposite 1 and 10 Station Lane Old Dalby


Applicant: Mrs Sarah Grey

Location: Land Opposite 1 and 10, Station Lane, Old Dalby

Proposal: Residential development of up to 80 dwellings, associated infrastructure and landscaping.


This application was withdrawn from the agenda.


17/01047/FUL pdf icon PDF 142 KB

Dairy Houses 9 Langar Lane Harby


 Applicant: Redmile Developments LTD

Location: Dairy Houses, 9 Langar Lane, Harby

Proposal: Erection of 5 dwellings (re-locations of Plots 7, 8 and 10 of planning permission 15/00933/FUL and erection of an additional 2 dwellings plot 11 and 12).


The Planning Officer introduced the application and advised:

           A very detailed response to the Committee report has been submitted from an objector, commenting on much of its content. This was reported in full and is summarised as follows:

-           The size and scale and mass has already been breached and now the developer seeks to further undermine that phrase with over development of the site which is not matched by other properties on Langar Lane.   One large property, recently built by the developer was given planning consent even though it is out of proportion to the plot that it sits on and dominates the future development as a whole.

-           Insufficient consideration may be given to the whole situation in favour of a timed schedule to get properties built. 

-           The over development makes the site more urban than it is rural and does not enhance the surrounding countryside or the village atmosphere

-           The development proposed is not safe for motorists, pedestrians, horses or people with disabilities.  There appears to be inadequate footpaths suitable for disability scooters or wheelchairs.  A roadway shared with motor vehicles into the site is not suitable for the disabled transport.

-           this latest planning application is approved it will fly in the face of Good Design, and the site that is over developed and looks very urban will not integrate and will stand out like sore thumb on one of the main approach roads into Harby, and this old and historic village.

-           How would the three properties he refers to be appropriate and ‘would address the street scene.’?  The rest of the properties on Langar Lane are better spaced, stand back from the road with greenery to the front of the properties and wide verges, with nothing built behind them (in the majority of cases)   These new proposed properties are closer together, border the narrow pavements with minimal area for greenery at the front and there are no bungalows in the proposal.

-           LCC Highways are said to have raised no objections on safety grounds.  Why is that? The additional house will attract residents with cars.  In theory the number of residents in each house could easily result in more vehicles than parking spaces on driveways allow.  Where will these vehicles park?  Undoubtedly on Langar Lane.  This will create an added danger for drivers entering to leaving the development and for drivers negotiating parked vehicles on a busy Langar Lane. Are the Highways fully aware of the difficulties already posed on Langar Lane?  Vehicles speed out of the village and into it over a humpback bridge which makes visibility difficult in the area of the entrance to this development.  Large vehicles such as tractors with heavy trailers use this route and whilst the drivers  ...  view the full minutes text for item PL71.5


17/01320/FUL pdf icon PDF 378 KB

Land at South of Hill Top Farm St Bartholomews Way Melton


Applicant: Mr Martin Brown

Location: Land at South of Hill Top Farm, St Bartholomews Way, Melton Mowbray

Proposal: Farm shop and associated parking and landscaping.


Cllr Greenow left the meeting at 19:35.


The Planning Officer (JL) advised there was one late item to report.  An amended plan has been received for the application which demonstrates the split of the development internally (with the proposed tea room). Therefore the condition relating to the drawings (no 2) will need to be amended to reflect  this amendment- 9th January 2018 (16/43/001)


The application seeks permission to erect a farm shop, associated with Hilltop Farm, located on Nottingham Road. It is required to be determined by the committee as approval of the application would be a departure to the 1999 Melton Local Plan. The proposed farm shop would be outside the village envelope and positioned approximately 1200m along the road from the host farm. The proposed development would require the construction of a new building. LCC Highways have not raised any highway safety concerns. 


a)         Maurice Fairhurst, the Agent, was invited to speak and stated that:

           There are currently no farm shops in the north of Melton.

           This is for the specific sale of farm products.

           It will sell produce made on the farm.

           It will be single storey and made of natural timber.

           It is a well landscaped design.

           It will provide a greater choice of fresh food.

           It will create more jobs.

           It has good parking on the site.

           It is supported by local residents as well as the NPPF and the Local Plan.


A Cllr questioned the proportions of the site that would be selling the produce made on site, and the proportion of the site that would be the tea room.

Mr Fairhurst responded that the tea room will take up roughly 25% of the site, and that of the space within the shop, roughly 75% will be selling goods and produce that is produced on the farm.


A Cllr queried the butchering facilities nearby.

Mr Fairhurst replied that there is a slaughterhouse in Long Clawson and another at Six Hills.


A Cllr queried the plans for both a nice view and for the screening in the plans.

Mr Fairhurst replied that with the correct screening approach, both can be achieved.


A Cllr asked about the produce and how much will be done externally and how much on site.

Mr Fairhurst replied that the produce will return from the butchers and slaughterhouse as ready for sale.


A Cllr questioned the electricity arrangements.

Mr Fairhurst responded that the site does not currently have electricity, but will have it installed for the application.


A Cllr commented that this type of development is very good, and the type that we are looking for. It will produce local goods for local people, and requires no new access roads.


Cllr Posnett proposed to approve the application in accordance with the recommendation.


Cllr Baguley seconded the motion  ...  view the full minutes text for item PL71.6


17/01044/FUL pdf icon PDF 260 KB

Cattle Market Scalford Road Melton


Applicant: Melton Borough Council

Location: Cattle Market, Scalford Road, Melton Mowbray

Proposal: Use of site of former cattle market as a new temporary car park.


The Planning Officer (GBA) stated that there had been no updates to the report.


A Cllr queried the access onto the site.

The Planning Officer (GBA) stated that entrance is at the North-West of the site, and the exit is on the South-West of the site.


A Cllr queried why the application was only for a temporary car park.

The Planning Officer (GBA) responded that the site may be used differently in the future.


A Cllr stated that the exit is very close to the Nottingham Road and Asfordby Road junction, which is horrific and always has lots of traffic.


Cllr Posnett Proposed to Permit the application.


Cllr Wyatt Seconded the Motion to Permit.


A Vote was taken on the Motion to Permit.


10 Councillors supported the motion.

0 Councillors opposed the motion.

0 Councillors abstained from the vote.


DETERMINATION: PERMIT, subject to the conditions as set out in the report, for the following reasons:


The application seeks consent for a car park for a temporary period which is acceptable in the location proposed.


Cllr Greenow returned to the meeting at 19:52.


Urgent Business pdf icon PDF 157 KB

To consider any other items that the Chair considers urgent



Approval of the Minutes for the previous Planning Committee meeting on 30.11.2018.


A Cllr noted that the minutes did not include a declaration of interest from Cllr Illingworth for the application on Briars Well Farm.


This was the only amendment to the minutes.


A Vote was held to approve the minutes.


10 Councillors supported the motion.

0 Councillors opposed the motion.

0 Councillors abstained from the vote.


Cllr Posnett was not at the meeting so couldn’t vote.


The Motion passes. The Previous minutes are approved.


No Further Business.