Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Thursday, 26th July, 2018 6.00 pm

Venue: Parkside, Station Approach, Burton Street, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, LE13 1GH

Contact: Development Control 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Cllr Rhodes, substituted by Cllr Higgins

Cllr Posnett


Minutes pdf icon PDF 119 KB

To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting.


Minutes of the meeting held on 5th July 2018.


Approval of the minutes was proposed by Cllr Greenow and seconded by Cllr Faulkner. It was unanimously agreed, by the members who were present at the previous meeting, that the Chair sign them as a true record.


Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 52 KB

Members to declare any interest as appropriate in respect of items to be considered at this meeting.




Schedule of Applications


17/01346/FUL pdf icon PDF 478 KB

Bottesford Filling Station, Grantham Road, Bottesford


Applicant:     PDRH Limited:- Peter Dunn

Location:      Bottesford Filling Station, Grantham Road, Bottesford

Proposal:     Proposed retail convenience store, associated external works and access alteration.


(a)  The Development Manager (LP) presented the report and stated that:

This application is a full application that seeks permission for a proposed retail convenience store with associated external works and access alteration.

The store would be single storey and would provide a retail sales are of 282 square metres and would also have a staff area, wc, office and chill stores. 

The building would be steel framed with cladding finish and red facing brickwork.  The unit would have a pitched roof with an eaves height of 3.8 metres and ridge height of 6.8 metres.

Since the publication of the report, the applicant has requested that members are made aware of the legal opinion that has been produced from No 5 Chambers and this has been circulated accordingly.

One further objection has been received since the report published and the objector has requested this be circulated to members of the committee, which again this has been done.

The objection makes reference to the impact of the proposal on existing facilities, which is largely covered in the committee report however it uses the phrase significant adverse impact and risk of closure being increased, however no evidence has been submitted to the LPA to demonstrate that existing businesses will close as a direct result of this application.

Overall it is considered that the proposed retail unit would be sited within a sustainable area providing a local service for the village, create employment and would reuse previously developed land, as such the proposal is considered to be complaint with both local and national policy including recent revisions and is recommended for approval with a slight amendment to condition 11 that rewords the opening hours to include Saturday and Sunday not just Monday to Friday.


The Assistant Director of Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services read out a statement from Cllr Chandler, the Ward Councillor:


(b)  Alan Gough, on behalf of the Parish Council, was invited to speak and stated that:

·         Impact assessment states that the forecast for the store will draw 20% of turnover from Melton, however the transport from Bottesford to Melton is not good

·         Competition from Bingham etc.

·         Impact assessment gives no information on trading data for other businesses such as the butchers and greengrocers

·         No evidence to back up details such as 50% of people will be people passing adlib

·         Bungalow adjacent to the right of the site have problem with tree on site. This is not on the original plan however the write up states they are to be taken out

·         Traffic concerns


A Cllr asked if residents were in favour of the proposal or not.


Mr Gough stated that most are not against the application but have concerns on access and parking.


A Cllr asked if the opening hours of the garage were a problem.


Mr Gough stated that they were not and that a  ...  view the full minutes text for item PL23.1


18/00145/OUT pdf icon PDF 445 KB

Land North of Pasture Lane, Gaddesby


Applicant:     Fairyhill Ltd:- Robert Fionda

Location:      Land North of Pasture Lane, Gaddesby

Proposal:      Outline planning approval for 11 No. dwellings.


(a)  The Planning Officer (JL) presented the report and stated that:

No late items to report.

The application seeks outline permission to erect 11 dwellings. The application site is proposed allocated site GADD2 of the emerging Local Plan, which has a capacity for 11 dwellings. The application is for outline permission for access to be considered.

The recommendation is for the approval of the application, subject to conditions and a S106 agreement for provision for affordable housing and a contribution to Leicestershire County Council libraries.


(b)  Chris Shatford, an objector, was invited to speak and stated that:

·         Unsuitable for development

·         Gypsum minerals consultation area

·         Grade 3A greenbelt land

·         Damaging to landscape

·         Negative effect on character of setting, typography and skyline

·         Limited opportunity to accommodate residential developments

·         Detrimental impact in terms of biodiversity and geodiversity

·         Great Crested Newts on site

·         Ridge and furrow land arrangement

·         Flood risk – heavy clay soil

·         Disconnected from village

·         Significant exacerbation problem in terms of Highways

·         Unsustainable roads

·         Traffic concerns

·         Lack of economic opportunity in village

·         School will be full in 3 years

·         No developer contributions


A Cllr asked how it can be predicted that the school will be full in 3 years.


Mr Shatford stated that reception and years 1 and 2 are already at capacity.


A Cllr stated that highways have raised no objections and asked why it was felt the roads are not sustainable.


Mr Shatford stated that the traffic volumes are considerable.


(c)  Ian Lowe, the agent, was invited to speak and stated that:

·         Forms provision to meet housing need

·         Broad mix of house types

·         Sustainable growth

·         Highways, ecology and neighbours all considered

·         Access from Pasture Lane with fill visibility splays

·         Sufficient off street parking

·         Pond translocated to edge of development and enhanced

·         Wildlife corridor and trees retained

·         Bungalows included to the north west to reduce the mass of development


The Chair stated that bungalows in villages are welcomed; however as it is only an indicative plan he asked if this was definite and if it could be conditioned.


Mr Lowe stated that it is intended; however it would need to be discussed.


The Planning Officer stated that condition 9 deals with visibility splay and condition 10 relates to pedestrians. There were no objections from LCC Ecology, LLFA or Highways. There is no requirement for a contribution to education. Allocated site in the Local Plan. It is a rural hub and sustainable location. The impact on the landscape can be mitigated and the layout is only indicative.


A Cllr stated that the proposal benefits from affordable housing. 3 bed bungalows can be land hungry. There is a school and employment opportunities nearby, with good transport links.


A Cllr had concerns on drainage.


The Planning Officer stated that condition 11 related to surface water drainage.


Cllr Greenow proposed to permit the application as per the recommendation.


Cllr Botterill seconded the proposal to  ...  view the full minutes text for item PL23.2


18/00519/FUL pdf icon PDF 293 KB

4 Vulcan Close, Melton Mowbray


Applicant:     Mr N Ainge

Location:      4 Vulcan Close, Melton Mowbray

Proposal:      Change of use of a parcel of land to domestic.



(a)       The Development Manager presented the report and stated that:

This application relates to a full planning application for the retrospective consideration of land to be utilised as garden area for the residential property known as 4 Vulcan Close.  The parcel of land has been sold to the applicant by the recently completed Aldi Store adjacent to the site.  The application is presented to members as the applicant is a member of staff.

There have been no updates to the report since it has been published and it is considered that the proposal creates a more practical size and shape to the existing property and would not adversely impact upon the surrounding area or occupants, the proposal is therefore recommended for approval as per the report.


Cllr Holmes proposed to permit the application.


Cllr Glancy seconded the proposal to permit.


A vote was taken and it was unanimously decided that the application should be permitted.


Determination: PERMIT, in accordance with the conditions as set out in the report.


REASONS: The proposal creates a more practical size and shape to the existing garden.  The proposed development has nominal impact on adjoining properties and would reflect the character and appearance of the surrounding area. The proposal would not have an adverse impact on highway safety. Accordingly, the proposal complies with the applicable policies and guidance.


Urgent Business

To consider any other items that the Chair considers urgent



The Assistant Director of Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services advised Members that the Planning Inspectorate had approved an appeal decision in Wymondham in which the provisions of the Neighbourhood Plan – which formed the basis for the refusal – have been overridden, and that the LPA are now awaiting the costs decision.