Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Thursday, 4th February, 2021 6.00 pm

Venue: By remote video conference

Contact: Democratic Services Team 

Link: View Planning Committee

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


There were no apologies for absence although it was noted that Councillor Chandler was having internet connection difficulties and was not present at this point.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 132 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 9 December 2020


The minutes of the meeting held on 9 December 2020 were confirmed and authorised to be signed by the Chair.


Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 50 KB

Members to declare any interest as appropriate in respect of items to be considered at this meeting.


Councillor Posnett declared a personal interest in any matters relating to the Leicestershire County Council due to her role as a County Councillor. 


Minute PL83 – 19/00807/FUL - Belvoir Cricket Club, Harston Lane, Knipton


Councillor Steadman declared a personal and non-pecuniary interest in this application due to taking part in a syndicate shoot at Belvoir which she felt could be considered to affect her decision-making. She would therefore leave the meeting during debate and not vote on this item.


Following Monitoring Officer advice, Councillor Browne declared a personal and non-pecuniary interest in the above application due to being a keen cricketer and having taken part in matches at the Belvoir Cricket Club. He further advised his interest in cricket would not affect his decision-making on this application and as such would take part in the debate and vote on this item.


Minute PL84 – 20/00593/VAC - Field OS 2713 and 2100, Longcliff Hill, Old Dalby


Although he had no personal or pecuniary interest in this application, Councillor Higgins announced that he would not take part in this application in the interests of transparency as he had known the previous owner of the land and had stood down each time the application had been considered. Therefore he advised that he would leave the meeting during debate and not vote on this item.


Councillor Browne declared a personal and non-pecuniary interest in the above application due to being socially connected with Councillor Orson who was the previous owner of the land and who had declared a disclosable pecuniary interest for this meeting. Due to this connection, he advised that he would leave the meeting during debate and not vote on this item.


Minute PL85 – 20/00775/REM - Longcliffe Hill House, Longcliff Hill, Old Dalby


Councillor Browne declared a personal and non-pecuniary interest in the above application due to being socially connected with Councillor Orson who had declared a disclosable pecuniary interest for this meeting. Due to this connection, he advised that he would leave the meeting during debate and not vote on this item.


Councillor Higgins added that he did not consider he had a personal interest in this application due to the land in question being that which surrounded Councillor Orson’s land.


Minute PL84 – 20/00593/VAC - Field OS 2713 and 2100, Longcliff Hill, Old Dalby

Minute PL85 – 20/00775/REM - Longcliffe Hill House, Longcliff Hill, Old Dalby


The Chair announced that Councillor Orson was not in attendance as Ward Councillor as he had a disclosable pecuniary interest in both the Old Dalby applications due to previous ownership of the land detailed in application 20/00593/VAC and that he owned surrounding land detailed in application 20/00775/REM. Following advice and in the interests of transparency, he would not therefore be making representations on behalf of the ward.



Schedule of Applications


19/00807/FUL pdf icon PDF 3 MB

Belvoir Cricket Club, Harston Lane, Knipton





Belvoir Cricket Club, Harston Lane, Knipton


New Cricket Pavilion, car parking and ancillary buildings




(Councillor Steadman here left the meeting due to her personal interest declared at PL81 above.)


The Planning Officer (TE) addressed the Committee and provided a summary of the application.


(Councillor Chandler entered the meeting 3 minutes after the start of the Planning Officer’s presentation and although she had no camera facility, she confirmed that she could hear the proceedings of the meeting and the Chair and Members were able to hear her therefore she was able to take part in the application.)


Pursuant to Chapter 2, Part 9, Paragraphs 2.8-2.28 of the Council’s Constitution in relation to  public speaking at Planning Committee, the Chair allowed the following to give a 3 minute presentation:


·         Peter Carr, Belvoir Parish Council


In response to Member questions


·         as to why Bottesford had been mentioned as an alternative location for this facility, it was understood there had been an offer of land at Bottesford and for no other reason


·         the cricket club had been on the site for 80-100 years


·         the new facility would mean there would be more throughput of coaches and cars over a wider timespan, being 12 months of the year, which especially affected residents of Harston


·         James Brown, Rural Insight


·         Darren Bicknell, Belvoir Cricket and Countryside Trust


In response to Member questions, Mr Bicknell advised


·         There were 92 car parking spaces in the proposal and these would mainly be used for Belvoir Bees on a  Friday evening when 70-80 children attended with parents. The extra space would be there for when it was needed

·         The cricket club had been there for approximately 100 years and was difficult to sustain with the current activities. The proposals would allow update and extend the current offering to enable more people to use the site including disabled people and women and girls. The club also worked with the Belvoir Estate in offering linked activities for visitors and this was available throughout the year

·         Most people accessed the site by car but there were coach visitors too and the new car park would enable the coaches to wait on site rather than leave and return and reduce any waiting on neighbouring roads thereby reducing journeys and congestion

·         There were no plans to use the venue for weddings. It was anticipated that all events would be related to the trust’s aims

·         Much of the success of the club was down to its unique and inspirational location and the access for visitors to the neighbouring Belvoir Estate, which allowed them to experience so many country pursuits including bird watching, orienteering, fishing, birds of prey and the hounds, therefore the club did not intend to consider other sites

·         It would not be viable for the club or buy or rent land at another venue


The Planning Development Manager advised that alternative locations was not a material planning consideration and there was no need for the applicant to demonstrate an interest in  ...  view the full minutes text for item PL83


20/00593/VAC pdf icon PDF 303 KB

Fields OS 2713 and 2100, Longcliff Hill, Old Dalby





Field OS 2713 and 2100, Longcliff Hill, Old Dalby


Variation of conditions 2 (plans), 7 (footpath) and 13 (obscure glazing) of planning permission 18/01111/FUL for residential development on land off Longcliff Hill, Old Dalby that currently benefits from 3 outline planning approvals - 16/00911/OUT, 16/00184/OUT and 17/00743/OUT and the submission of additional details relating to (conditions 4 & 6) surface water drainage, (5) surface water management, (10) archaeology, (11) foul and surface drainage, (14) materials, (15) landscaping and(17) ridge heights of 2.5 storey dwellings.


(Councillors Browne and Higgins here left the meeting due to their personal and non-pecuniary interests declared at Minute PL81 above.)


The Planning Development Manager addressed the Committee and provided a summary of the application and summarised that the recommendation was for refusal.


Since despatch of the agenda the following the LLFA consultation response for additional information had been received with no objections and 3 conditions. Members had received the comments in full prior to the meeting and therefore the recommendation could be amended accordingly.


Also since despatch of the agenda, the agent had confirmed :


·         None of the 5 bed dwellings had been constructed on the site

·         The condition ensuring 2.5 storey dwellings did not exceed 9.2 metres in height would be adhered to on site as it could be ensured during construction that the dwellings did not exceed that height

·         The ditch in the south-east corner of the site served as land drainage to the field and to the old farm road. This had been broken out and was now part of the highway entrance and subsequently went into the new drainage system. The ditch could be filled as it now served no purpose to the new drainage although a 225 mm diameter pipe to serve the gulleys had been inserted before the new system was installed

·         The LLFA had given consent for the filling of the redundant ditch

·         Adjacent to plot 28 on the path there was a 4.1 metre to the centre hedge on the tightest point and 3.9 m to the outside of the hedge therefore a 900mm instead of a 1 metre space. The advice being that the hedge could be trimmed further if needed

·         With regard to the removal of the east west hedge there remained a standing objection with LCC ecological on its removal, with this in mind it was proposed to add a further condition to retain the existing hedge


It was noted that 13 conditions would need to be changed to reflect these amendments.


Pursuant to Chapter 2, Part 9, Paragraphs 2.8-2.28 of the Council’s Constitution in relation to  public speaking at Planning Committee, the Chair allowed the following to give a 3 minute presentation:


·         Kim Lee, Nether Broughton and Old Dalby Parish Council


In response to a Member question, there was confirmation that the Parish Council’s preference was for retention for the condition relating to the ridge height. The Planning Development Manager confirmed that this would be 9.2 metres as indicated in the  ...  view the full minutes text for item PL84


20/00775/REM pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Longcliffe Hill House, Longcliff Hill, Old Dalby





Longcliffe Hill House, Longcliff Hill, Old Dalby, LE14 3LP


Application for the approval of reserved matters for appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of 8 dwellings


(Councillor Browne was not in attendance for this application due to his interested declared at Minute PL81 above and did not return to the meeting after this application was determined.)


The Planning Development Manager addressed the Committee and provided a summary of the application and advised that the proposal had been amended following a workshop with the agent and representatives of the Parish Council. This had resulted in alterations to 5 out of the 8 plots which included change of materials, removal of some of the previously rendered plots along with the addition of more chimneys and blue clay roof tiles to plots 1 and 2 to better reflect Longcliffe Hill House. The amendments had also included the removal of roof lights to the majority of the properties which Members could remove permitted development rights to should they consider necessary.


The housing mix was confirmed as being at least 3 bed, 2 storey houses apart from 1 x 2 bed bungalow. There was a Member concern that the properties were quite large and it was requested that an overall size of the 3 bed homes be provided for the debate.


Pursuant to Chapter 2, Part 9, Paragraphs 2.8-2.28 of the Council’s Constitution in relation to  public speaking at Planning Committee, the Chair allowed the following to give a 3 minute presentation:


·         Phil Dorn, Nether Broughton and Old Dalby Parish Council


·         James Hicks, Agent, Pegasus Group


There was a Member query as to how they would deal with the great crested newt pond at the back of the site and Mr Hicks responded that there was an extensive programme of ecological work being undertaken to address statutory obligations and an application had been lodged with Natural England as to how to deal with the newt population and the final scheme had to meet with Natural England’s approval before development could go ahead.


The Assistant Director for Planning and Delivery advised the measurements of the 3 bed houses as being 7m x 10m each floor without the garage. The bungalow was 10m x 12m less approximately 25m for the L shape.


During discussion the following points were noted:


·         Concern at the housing mix being larger than average homes which suggested a high level of under-occupancy. The Neighbourhood Plan had suggested smaller units were needed for the elderly to remain in the village and larger homes be released for families and this application did not meet that aspiration

·         Housing mix was about the value on the open market

·         The outline application had indicated larger homes and there was Member support for larger 3 bed houses and a bungalow

·         The Parish Council and the developer be commended for working together on this development

·         Developer had taken on environmental responsibilities and the additional car parking for visitors was appreciated


Councillor Posnett proposed the recommendations in the  ...  view the full minutes text for item PL85


Urgent Business

To consider any other business that the Chair considers urgent



There was no urgent business.