Venue: Parkside, Station Approach, Burton Street, Melton Mowbray LE13 1GH
Contact: Jasmin Baum
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Lumley
and Councillor Sheldon. |
To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting held on 230118. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting
held on 230118 were confirmed and authorised to be signed by the chair. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST PDF 51 KB Members to declare any
interest as appropriate in respect of items to be considered at this meeting. Minutes: Councillor Pearson and Councillor Posnett
declared a personal interest in any matters relating to the County Council due
to their positions as County Councillors. |
RECOMMENDATIONS FROM OTHER COMMITTEES Minutes: There were no recommendations from other committees. |
CAPITAL PROGRAMME MONITORING PDF 79 KB The Director for Corporate Services to submit a report to update the Committee on the progress of schemes within the Capital Programme to 28 February 2018. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director for Corporate Services submitted a report to
update the Committee on the progress of schemes within the Capital Programme to
28 February 2018. The Corporate Services Manager gave an overview of the report
and drew Members’ attention to 5.2 of the report that shows an underspend of
£408k. It was noted that this is predominantly due to underspends listed in 5.3
of the report: The Public Conveniences underspend is being carried forward
into 2018/19. Works were delayed due to additional planning permission and the
inclement weather. Disabled Facilities Grant – this underspend can be carried
forward. Leisure Vision – It has been confirmed that the Football
Foundation will not be able to claim the second grant of £45k and as a result
of the interim agreement for the management of the MSV site to continue for
another 4 years whilst the longer term vision is developed the capital cost
incurred to date would have to be funded through revenue. There has been some repayment of the warm homes grant which
can be used to off-set the initial funding provision. Project mandate for the ‘Footpath for all’ was considered by
the Town Area Committee at the recent meeting in March as part of their consutlaton role and the feedback was that they were
supportive of this project being approved. A member stated being disappointed in the delays in
procurement. The Corporate Services Manager noted that in terms of the
Housing Revenue Account this could potentially be due to resourcing in the team
as well as time consuming contracts. It was noted that projects are being
delivered on budget at this point which is positive and delays with the Beckmill Court Refurbishment are outside of our control. A member asked what the reason for the delay on affordable
housing in the HAMP is. The Interim Director for Growth and Regeneration advised
that this was a straightforward matter and updated members that he had been
asked to sign off on the purchase of the property in question and so the matter
had been resolved. A member asked in which area are properties having new doors
and windows as per Appendix A and if West Avenue and Sysonby
Street can be expected to have replacement fittings. The Chair noted that this is an ongoing project and so doors
and windows are being replaced as and when necessary in all properties. The Interim Director for Growth and Regeneration noted that
as part of the Decent Homes Programme this is on track and is an ongoing
process for all properties. Councillor Holmes, as an observer, enquired about the public
conveniences. Councillor Posnett and Councillor
Chandler exited the room as this point, declaring an interest in this matter
due to their positions on the Planning Committee. The Chair noted that the new public conveniences will save
money as new system will be semi-automatic and well require less staff. The
project was delayed due to a planning issue. Councillor Holmes noted that these toilets are used ... view the full minutes text for item C63 |
BUDGET MONITORING APRIL TO DECEMBER 2017 PDF 85 KB The Director of Corporate Services to submit a report to provide information on actual expenditure and income incurred on this Committee’s services compared to the latest approved budget for the period 1st April 2017 to 31st December 2017. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director of Corporate Services submitted a report to
provide information on actual expenditure and income incurred on this
Committee’s services compared to the latest approved budget for the period 1st
April 2017 to 31st December 2017. The Corporate Services Manager introduced the report and
directed members to section 3.3 of the report which gives a summary of the
income and expenditure for this Committee’s services in comparison to the
approved budget at December 2017. Members were made aware that there is a
overspend against the latest budget for general expenses of £159,100. This was
explained as being due to the following services/projects, as per 3.6 of the
report: Public Conveniences Leisure Vision Homelessness Lifeline Wheels to Work It was noted that the overspends on the Homelessness and
Lifeline services are predominantly due to aged debt being written off. In
these areas, money was deemed to be unrecoverable due to the length of time
that had passed as well as the sensitivity of the cases. A member asked how debts have accumulated for services such
as Lifeline as customers pay by direct debit. The Corporate Services Manager noted that a lot of the debt
is very old and could not have realistically pursued. The Chair added that in terms of Homelessness, the people
who received the service were vulnerable and so a lot of cases would need to be
written off. A member asked whose responsibility it is to monitor debt. The Corporate Services Manager noted that debt recovery
falls on the revenue team, however it is also the responsibility of the service
area and budget holder to monitor debt and approve actions. This process has
recently had stronger enforcement behind it so as to avoid large write offs in
the future. The Deputy Chief Executive noted that in light of these points
and the discussion around lifeline specifically, there will be a review of this
service to be addressed as a priority.
The Lifeline service has recently become more commercial and so payment systems
can be reviewed alongside this. The Chair sought a proposer and seconder. All members were in favour. RESOLVED that the financial position on each of this Committee’s services to 31st December 2017 and year end forecast be noted. |
HOUSING REVENUE ACCOUNT - BUDGET MONITORING 1 APRIL 2017 - 31 DECEMBER 2017 PDF 102 KB The Director for Corporate Services and The Interim Director for Growth and Regeneration to submit a joint report to provide information on actual expenditure and income incurred on the Housing Revenue Account (HRA), compared to the latest approved budget for the period 1 April 2017 to 31 December 2017. Additional documents: Minutes: The Director for Corporate Services submitted a report to
provide information on actual expenditure and income incurred on the Housing
Revenue Account (HRA) , compared to the latest approved budget for the period 1
April 2017 to 31 December 2017. The Corporate Services Manager gave an overview of the
report and directed members to section 3.3 of the report and noted that this
gives a summary of the total income and expenditure for the HRA. Members were
made aware that this shows a total expenditure underspend of £212k. Section 3.6
of the report shows budget variances that details a staffing underspend as well
as an underspend for repairs and maintenance. The Chair sought a proposer and a seconder. All members were in favour. RESOLVED that the financial position on the HRA to 31 December 2017 and the yearend forecast be noted. |
Wheels to Work The Director of Growth and Regeneration to submit a report to outline the recommended future funding commitments and revised future operating area for the Wheels 2 Work (W2W) scheme. Minutes: The Director of Growth and Regeneration submitted a report
to outline the recommended future funding commitments and revised future
operating area for the Wheels to Work (W2W) scheme. RESOLVED that the recommendations within the exempt report be approved. |
URGENT BUSINESS To consider any other items that the Chair
considers urgent Minutes: There was no urgent business. |