Agenda and minutes

Town Area Committee Consultation - Monday, 23rd October, 2017 6.30 pm

Venue: Parkside, Station Approach, Burton Street, Melton Mowbray LE13 1GH

Contact: Email: 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Cumbers, Faulkner, Greenow, Pearson, Posnett and Wyatt.


Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 51 KB

Members to declare any interest as appropriate in respect of items to be considered at this meeting.



Councillors Glancy and Illingworth each declared a personal interest as Members of the Planning Committee and here left the meeting.


Councillor Bains also declared a personal interest and here left the meeting.


[Councillor Lumley in Chair]


Consultation - Planning Applications

The Committee to consider the following Planning Applications:-


17/01075/FUL - 54 Scalford Road, Melton Mowbray, LE13 1JY

One new stand alone retail unit with reconfiguration of car park and service yard.


Unit to have class usage of A1 retail.


The link below will take you through to the online Planning Application:-


54 Scalford Road, Melton Mowbray, LE13 1JY


The Senior Democracy Officer circulated an extract of plans and information in respect of Planning Application reference 17/01075/FUL and this was considered by Members to assist in making the following comments.  The full planning application was available on the Council’s website and this was also referenced at the meeting.


Committee Comments


A discussion was held, concerning the planning application and Members made the following comments:-


      The loss of fifteen car park spaces to enable this development was raised and whether it was right to reduce the number of spaces.  However, it was noted that the remainder car parking spaces for the existing store would be sufficient.

      Although the Design and Access Statement specified that ‘It is proposed to provide a total of eight designated car parking spaces for the new build’ only seven spaces were shown on the Proposed Site Plan.  It was difficult to comment whether this was sufficient without knowing the type of business to be carried out there.

      It was noted that the proposed new build would have A1 use (mainstream shopping), which was preferred in the Town Centre.

      With regard to the impact of HGV deliveries.  It was noted that there were no neighbouring residential properties affected and noise would be mitigated by the requirement that deliveries be made in full accordance with any permitted delivery timings imposed by this Council

      The intention that the rear elevation would face Scalford Road was noted and that this would be mitigated by existing shrubs and low level trees.

      Enhancing the vibrance of the Town Centre was highly important and it was appropriate to be made aware of what the store would offer to the Town Centre.


17/01089/FUL - John Ferneley College, Scalford Road, Melton Mowbray, LE13 1LH

Proposed single storey building consisting of four classrooms, entrance lobby and store room.


The link below will take you through to the online Planning Application:-


John Ferneley College, Melton Mowbray, LE13 1LH


The Senior Democracy Officer circulated an extract of plans and information in respect of Planning Application reference 17/01089/FUL and this was considered by Members to assist in making the following comments.  The full planning application was available on the Council’s website and this was also referenced at the meeting.


Committee Comments


A discussion was held, concerning the planning application and Members made the following comments:-


      It was agreed that there was no doubt the development was necessary to meet the demand of increasing pupil numbers in the Borough, likely due to planning permissions granted.  It was noted that this development was part of ongoing expansion at the school.

      3.0 of the Design and Access Statement specified that ‘The proposal is to erect a new single storey building to include; dining hall, kitchen and food stores, office and changing room, furniture store’ and this did not seem to be consistent with the application and internal layout plan.

      The development would be a permanent fixture but it was presumed that it would be easily demolished if necessary.

      The Site Layout illustrated that the development would be a good fit within the school but it was important to determine if it would restrict light to the classrooms (drama and music) within the nearby existing building.

      The development was environmentally friendly.  The cladding used must be non-flammable.


Urgent Business

To consider any other items that the Chair considers urgent.


There was no urgent business.