Venue: Parkside, Station Approach, Burton Street, Melton Mowbray LE13 1GH
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: An apology for absence was received from Councillor Mason. |
To confirm the Minutes of the
meeting held on 14 December 2023. Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on 14 December 2023 were
approved as a correct record. (25 For, 0 Against, 2 Abstentions) |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members to declare any
interest as appropriate in respect of items to be considered at this meeting. Minutes: An other registerable interest in respect of Councillor J. Orson was noted as being on record for any matters which relate to the Leicestershire County Council. Councillor Carter declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in relation to Minute Number CO62, as he is a tenant of a Council-owned property. Councillor Gordon declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in relation to Minute Number CO61, as a family member owns a second property, which they rent out. Councillor Gordon declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in relation to Minute Number CO62, as she is a tenant of a Council-owned property. |
MAYOR'S ANNOUNCEMENTS Minutes: The Mayor read out a letter that he had sent to HM King
Charles III on behalf of the Borough of Melton. The Mayor informed Council that, as Mayor he had attended
the following events: ·
Friday 15 December 2023, Royal British Legion
Christmas raffle draw ·
Saturday 16 December 2023, Scalford Christmas
Concert ·
Monday 18 December 2023, Gretton Court Party ·
Monday 18 December 2023, Charnwood Christmas
Carol Service ·
Wednesday 20 December 2023, Loros Christmas
Concert ·
Saturday 13 January 2024, Eastwell History Quiz
Night ·
Thursday 18 January 2024, Community Tree
Planning ·
Tuesday 23 January 2023, Lord Mayor Charity all
you can eat buffet The Deputy Mayor informed Council that he had attended the
following events on behalf of the Mayor: ·
Friday 19 January 2024, Mayor’s Quiz Night ·
Saturday 27 January 2024, Holocaust Memorial Day
Service |
LEADER'S ANNOUNCEMENTS Minutes: In beginning his
announcements, the Leader thanked the Mayor and all Members for their support
at the meeting in December when Councillor Cliff collapsed. He thanked all who
rallied round calmly and quickly. The Leader informed Members
that since the last meeting he had a number of
meetings including with the MP, Alicia Kearns, and seven meetings about
flooding. Members were informed that
in relation to the UKSPF, the current round of business and community grant
allocations is complete. The Leader thanked the members of the panels,
especially the external members from business and charity sector, as they made
an important contribution to the professional assessments and ensured proper
due process with no hint of favouritism or prejudice. The Leader stated
that a full report would be made to the local area board, and to Scrutiny
Committee. The Leader added that going forward, the task is to ensure that all
money received from government is used on time and where it is needed. In relation to the progress
on the levelling up fund project and town centre regeneration, the Leader
stated that the Council is working actively with partners in Rutland and
thanked the MP Alicia Kearns for her continued interest and support, particularly
over the future of Brooksby Melton college and the £2m investment in their
theatre. The Leader stated that there is much activity behind the scenes on the
problem and in due course he will invite Leaders of all groups to a full
briefing on this matter. Members were informed that
work continues at the cattle market and that two information meetings with
stakeholders have taken place. Following the statutory planning process
including with the County Council highways department, construction work will
start in the autumn after this season of key business and social events. All
existing tenants are being encouraged to put forward their own particular needs during the transition period and proposals
for their future business ambitions. The Leader stated that the Council are
following due process and due diligence. In regard to the town centre, the Leader
expressed his gratitude to the contribution that the business improvement
district (BID) board has and is making to the detailed proposals. The Council
are pushing ahead with those elements, such as cleaning, greening and signage
within existing budgets and UKSPF funding. Members were informed that some of
this and other harder design elements are yet to be agreed but will set the
tone for harmonising with the LUF development. The Leader thanked Councillor
Butcher for all her attention to detail and the work of the Town Centre Working
Group. The Leader explained that in
parallel with the developments, a new approach to car parking schemes would be
developed this coming year. Currently the Council are waiting input from the
BID board before going out to other stakeholders and interest groups. In regard to the new leisure contract, legal and other preparatory work is proceeding, including attention to the needs and concerns of groups currently using MSV. The ... view the full minutes text for item CO54 |
PUBLIC QUESTION TIME In accordance with the Constitution, Members of the Council may answer questions from the public of which notice has been given. No questions
have been received. Minutes: No questions from the public had been received. |
the Constitution, a Member may ask the Leader, the Chair of the Council
or a Committee Chair, a question on any matter in relation to which the Council
has powers or duties or which affects the Borough. Three questions have been received. The questions are as follows. Question 1 Councillor I Atherton is asking The Leader In mid-January 2024, Arla announced a review of their
business and, according to the article in the Melton Times, this review
potentially puts the Arla Creamery, previously known as Tuxford and Tebbutt, at
risk. The review is scheduled to conclude in April 2024. This creamery has been
producing cheese since 1780 and is surely considered a focal point of Melton
Mowbray’s being the Rural Capital of Food. Although, publicly at least, Arla HQ
in Leeds have yet to make a decision, it would appear
from press articles that they are seeking a buyer which may protect the
Creamery, but this is far from certain. Given the current financial crisis that
many families find themselves in, the potential loss of employment could be
devastating not only for those employed by the Creamery, but also for those in
its supply chain. On hearing of this news, on Monday 22nd January I emailed
the MBC Chief Executive to understand what support we can offer to those who
might lose their jobs should the Creamery be closed. I did receive a response
the same days stating that he had immediately offered support, in a number of ways, to assist their review, namely: · Provision of an up-to-date assessment of Melton’s growth potential re town expansion and infrastructure investment as they may see that growth making Melton a more attractive proposition to maintain commitment to. · Direct support from our growth and regeneration team re any economic development assistance. ·
A meeting with himself and the Leader to
demonstrate our strategic support to their business and the employment in
sustains. Sadly, I’ve been informed that, at the time of this
submission, Arla have not yet responded to this offer. I would hope that Arla looks on the offer
favourably but would ask that the Craven Ward members be included in any
further correspondence with Arla so that we can present a unified,
well-informed approach to supporting them. While I welcome the fact that we are offering support, it would appear that our support is limited to providing
information to the Creamery and a demonstration of support meeting, whatever
that might mean. This prompts the following questions: a) What representation have we made to Arla HQ in Leeds in support of the Melton Mowbray Creamery and to impress on them the impact of the potential loss of the Creamery to Melton Mowbray town centre and wider Borough? b)
What further measures are we planning to
practically demonstrate the Councils support to not only the Arla Melton
Mowbray management but to the Arla Melton Mowbray workforce and its suppliers? Question 2 Councillor R Browne is asking The Leader Can the ... view the full agenda text for item CO56 Minutes: Three questions from Members had been received and they were taken in
the order that they were received. Councillor I Atherton asked the Leader the following question: In mid-January 2024, Arla announced a review of their business and,
according to the article in the Melton Times, this review potentially puts the
Arla Creamery, previously known as Tuxford and Tebbutt, at risk. The review is
scheduled to conclude in April 2024. This creamery has been producing cheese
since 1780 and is surely considered a focal point of Melton Mowbray’s being the
Rural Capital of Food. Although, publicly at least, Arla HQ in Leeds have yet
to make a decision, it would appear from press articles that they are seeking a buyer
which may protect the Creamery, but this is far from certain. Given the current
financial crisis that many families find themselves in, the potential loss of
employment could be devastating not only for those employed by the Creamery,
but also for those in its supply chain. On hearing of this news, on Monday 22nd
January I emailed the MBC Chief Executive to understand what support we can
offer to those who might lose their jobs should the Creamery be closed. I did
receive a response the same days stating that he had immediately offered
support, in a number of ways, to assist their review,
Sadly, I’ve been informed that, at the time
of this submission, Arla have not yet responded to this offer. I would hope
that Arla looks on the offer favourably but would ask that the Craven Ward
members be included in any further correspondence with Arla so that we can
present a unified, well-informed approach to supporting them. While I welcome the fact that we are
offering support, it would appear that our support is
limited to providing information to the Creamery and a demonstration of support
meeting, whatever that might mean. This prompts the following questions: a) What representation have we made to Arla HQ in
Leeds in support of the Melton Mowbray Creamery and to impress on them the
impact of the potential loss of the Creamery to Melton Mowbray town centre and
wider Borough? b)
further measures are we planning to practically demonstrate the Councils
support to not only the Arla Melton Mowbray management but to the Arla Melton
Mowbray workforce and its suppliers? The Leader explained that it is now week 3 of a 12-week consultation period. He ... view the full minutes text for item CO56 |
MOTIONS ON NOTICE In accordance with the Constitution, motions on notice must be signed by at least two Members and be about matters for which the Council has a responsibility or which affect the Melton Borough. No motions were received by the deadline. Minutes: No motions on notice had been received. |
To receive a report from the Cabinet on recommendations referred to Council in relation to the new Corporate Strategy, Vision 2036 and Corporate Delivery Plan. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Leader introduced the report and moved the recommendation. The
Deputy Leader seconded the motion. During the debate the following points were raised:
A suggestion was made that recommendation number three should be
altered to include the words ‘and Deputy Leader’ after the words ‘in
consultation with the Leader’. The proposer accepted the suggestion
and the recommendation was altered. RESOLVED Council (1) Approved
the Corporate Strategy including the Vision 2036 and 4-year Corporate Delivery
Plan. (2) Approved
the supporting documents; the refreshed Performance and Risk Management
Framework (Appendix D) and the Communications and Engagement Strategy (appendix
E). (3) Delegated
authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader and Deputy
Leader, to update the Corporate Delivery Plan with any amendments required
following consideration of the Budget reports, and to make any other minor
operational amendments as required. (For 16, Against 0, Abstaining 11) |
CABINET RECOMMENDATIONS TO COUNCIL - ASSET MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CORPORATE ASSETS To receive a report from the Cabinet on recommendations referred to Council in relation to the Asset Management Plan for Corporate Assets. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Finance, Property and Resources
introduced the report and moved the recommendation. The Leader seconded the
motion. During the debate the following points were raised:
RESOLVED Council (1) Approved
the Asset Management Plan for Corporate Assets as attached in Appendix 1. (2) Noted
the financial implications arising from the AMP have been incorporated into the
2024/25 budget proposals. (3) Delegated
to the Director for Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Portfolio
Holder for Corporate Finance, Property and Resources, to make relevant
amendments to the AMP. (4) Delegated
to the Director for Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Portfolio
Holder for Corporate Finance, Property and Resources, to procure contractors
for implementation of works as identified in the action plan. (For 16, Against 11, Abstentions 0) |
To receive a report from the Cabinet on recommendations referred to Council in relation to the Capital Programme 2023-2028, General Fund and Capital Strategy 2024/25. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Finance, Property and Resources
introduced the report and moved the recommendation. The Leader seconded the
motion. During the debate the following points were raised:
RESOLVED Council (1) Approved
the removal of the MMDR contribution, condition survey asset works and ICT
programme item from the 2023/24 capital programme as referred to in para 5.2; (2) Approved
the General Expenses Capital Programme for 2024-28 as attached at Appendix B; (3) Approved
the sources of funding for the General Expenses capital programme for 2024/28
as set out in Appendix C; (4) Approved
the Special Expenses Melton Mowbray Capital Programme for 2024-25 and
associated sources of funding as set out in Appendix D;
(5) Delegated
authority to the Director for Corporate Services to amend the amount in the
capital programme for Disabled Facilities Grants once funding confirmation has
been received as referred to in para 5.6; (6) Approved
the Capital Strategy 2024-25 as attached at Appendix E. The above resolution was considered through a recorded vote as follows: FOR THE MOTION (16) Adcock, Allnatt, Brown, Butcher, Carter, Clay, Cliff, Cox, Cumbers,
Glancy, Gordon, Hewson, Higgins, Lumley, Sharp, Thwaites AGAINST THE MOTION (0) ABSTAINING FROM THE MOTION (11) I Atherton, S Atherton, Browne, Child, Evans, Freer, Graham, J Orson, S
Orson, Pritchett, Webster |
To receive a report from the Cabinet on recommendations referred to Council in relation to the General Fund Revenue Budget 2024/25 and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2025/26 to 2027/28. Additional documents:
Minutes: At 7:58pm, prior to the consideration of this item, Councillor Gordon
left the meeting. The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Finance, Property and Resources introduced
the report and moved the recommendation. The Leader seconded the motion. Councillor Graham proposed the following amendments. Councillor Child
seconded the motion. 1) Requests a review into the Council’s approach to tourism, in order to demonstrate impact and value for money. 2) Requests a review into the Council’s approach to communications in order to demonstrate impact and value for money. 3) Commission an organisation to engage young people in Melton Mowbray and key rural villages to divert them away from risky behaviours and into other services and activities. Review whether alternate funding sources could be found beyond 1st year. 4) Make Community Coordinator role permanent and full time and increase focus on liaison with Parish Councils. 5) Establish a £50k Rural Flood grant scheme to support Parish Councils’ ability to prevent and respond to flood events. Scheme to require match funding from Parish Councils. 6) Whilst the funding allocated to the Design Guide and the additional allocation of funding for the town centre is welcomed, the initial focus for the funding should be on establishing an approved Town Centre Masterplan, setting out the long-term plan for the town layout and function. This should then be underpinned by the Design Guide, place branding and a 10-year asset management plan, which are owned and adopted by all relevant partners. The £20k (and associated UKSPF funding) allocated should be reserved until such time as these plans are in place and, where possible, the development of the Masterplan should be incorporated within the Local Plan Review. 7) Requests a review into the Council’s approach to managing corporate property responsibilities, specifically in relation to ensuring an appropriate balance between the core in-house team managing day to day, and the requirement to support development projects with additional and specific expertise and capacity. 8) Requests a review of financial affordability over the medium term and consideration of options and opportunities for shared services to support long term sustainability. In addressing the amendments, the Portfolio Holder for Corporate
Finance, Property and Resources stated the following:
To receive a report from the Cabinet on recommendations referred to Council in relation to the Revenue Budget Proposals 2024/25 for the Housing Revenue Account. Additional documents:
Minutes: At 8:59pm, prior to the consideration of this item, Councillor Carter
left the meeting. The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Finance, Property and Resources
introduced the report and moved the recommendation. The Leader seconded the
motion. Councillor Graham proposed the following amendment. Councillor Brown
seconded the motion. 1)
Establish a £50k hardship fund which utilises a
platform like e-vouchers, facilitate a way in which tenants facing hardship
could be supported with top ups for gas or electricity or essential food
purchases. The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Finance, Property and Resources
explained that the amendment was not supported because it would mean that low income families would be supporting other low income
families. During the debate on the amendment, the following points were raised:
At 9:21pm, during the consideration of the item and in accordance with
the Constitution (Chapter 3, Part 1, Procedure Rule 5.1), Councillor Graham
proposed that the meeting continues beyond the three hour
time limit. Councillor J Orson seconded the motion. RESOLVED Council agreed to continue the meeting beyond
the three hour time limit. (Unanimous) The Mayor moved to a vote on the amendment
proposed by Councillor Graham and seconded by Councillor Browne. Council voted against the motion and therefore it fell. (For 11, Against 12, Abstentions 2) The Mayor
opened the debate on the substantive motion. There were no comments therefore
the Mayor moved to a vote. RESOLVED Council (1) Approves
the budget estimates for 2024-25; (2) Approves
the average rent increase of 7.70% for all Council dwellings with effect from 1
April 2024; (3) Approves
that the Intensive Housing Management
Service charges are not applied to rent accounts from 1 April 2024, pending the
conclusion of the service review as referenced at paragraph 6.51 of Appendix 1; (4) Approves
the 2024-25 capital programme, and (5) Delegates
authority to the Director for Housing and Communities, in consultation with the
Director for Corporate Services and Portfolio Holder for Council Housing and
Landlord Services, to approve virements within the HRA capital programme during
the year to provide flexibility to meet emerging needs and maintain decent
homes. (For 14, Against 11,
Abstentions 0) In accordance with the Constitution at Chapter 3, Part 1, Procedure Rule 17.6, Councillor Child wished for his vote against to be ... view the full minutes text for item CO62 |
CABINET RECOMMENDATIONS TO COUNCIL - TREASURY MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 2024/25 To receive a report from the Cabinet on recommendations referred to Council in relation to the Treasury Management Strategy 2024/25. Additional documents:
Minutes: At 9:30pm, prior to the consideration of this item, Councillors Carter
and Gordon returned to the meeting. The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Finance, Property and Resources
introduced the report and moved the recommendation. The Leader seconded the
motion. RESOLVED Council (1) Approved that the prudential indicators and
limits are adopted as outlined in Appendix A section 2. (2) Approved the Treasury Management Strategy as
outlined in Appendix A. (3) Approved that the Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) Statement which sets out the
Council’s policy on MRP as outlined in para 5.3 of Appendix 1. (For 25, Against 1,
Abstentions 0) At 9:32pm, during the consideration of this item, Councillor Evans left
the meeting and missed the vote. |
The Chief Executive is to provide a report on the Council Size Submission Proposal in relation to the Boundary Commission’s review of Melton Borough Council’s Boundaries. Additional documents: Minutes: At 9:35pm, Councillor Evans returned to the meeting. The Chief Executive introduced the report. The Deputy Leader moved the recommendations and the Leader seconded the motion. During the debate the following points were raised:
RESOLVED Council (1) Approved
that the Council Size Submission Proposal, at Appendix A, is submitted to the
Local Government Boundary Commission for England as the agreed position of the
Council by 8 April 2024. (2) Delegated
authority to the Monitoring Officer to make amendments to the Submission
document in consultation with the Chief Executive and the Portfolio Holder for
Governance, Environment and Regulatory Services, following consultation with
the Local Government Boundary Commission for England. (For 26, Against 1, Abstentions
0) |
APPROACH TO APPLYING ANNUAL UPLIFT OF MEMBERS' ALLOWANCES 2023/24 The Monitoring Officer to present a report on the proposed approach to applying the annual uplift of Members’ Allowances. Minutes: The Monitoring Officer introduced the report. The Leader moved the recommendations and the Deputy Leader seconded the motion. During the debate the following points were raised:
As per the Constitution, Chapter 3, Part 1, Procedure Rule 17.5b,
Councillors Browne, Child and Graham requested that a recorded vote takes
place. RESOLVED Council (1) Note the options for applying the annual
2023/24 uplift of Members’ Allowances as set out at Paragraph 6; (2) Approves an increase in the basic allowance
for 2023/24, backdated to April 2023, in line with that applied from the bottom
of Band 14 of 3.88%, while the level of special responsibility allowances
should be frozen; and (3) Notes that the Members’ Allowances Scheme is due to be reviewed later this year,
and that the Independent Remuneration Panel will be asked to consider and
recommend an appropriate formula for applying the annual increase of
allowances, where the pay award is not stated as a simple percentage. The above resolution was considered through a recorded vote as follows: FOR THE MOTION (16) Adcock, Allnatt, Brown, Butcher, Carter, Clay, Cliff, Cox, Cumbers,
Glancy, Gordon, Hewson, Higgins, Lumley, Sharp, Thwaites AGAINST THE MOTION (11) I Atherton, S Atherton, Browne, Child, Evans, Freer, Graham, J Orson, S
Orson, Pritchett, Webster ABTAINING FROM THE MOTION (0) |
PAY POLICY STATEMENT 2024/25 The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Finance, Property and Resources is to provide the Pay Policy Statement. Additional documents: Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Finance, Property and Resources
introduced the report and moved the recommendation. The Leader seconded the
motion. Other than the proposer and seconder, there were no comments from
Members in relation to the report. RESOLVED Council Approves the
attached Pay Policy Statement for 2024/25 at Appendix A. (Unanimous) |