Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Thursday, 17th August, 2017 6.00 pm

Venue: Parkside, Station Approach, Burton Street, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, LE13 1GH

Contact: Development Control 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Cllr Faulkner was on holiday and could not attend the meeting.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 151 KB

To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting on 27.07.2017.


Minutes of the meeting 27th July 2017


Cllr Cumbers noted that the Minutes of the 27th July 2017 had not been unanimously agreed upon as not all Members had been present.


Cllr Chandler wished for 'farm business territory' on page 5 to be changed to 'farm business tenancy', and for 'head of the Parish Council' to be changed to 'Chairman of the Parish Council'.


Approval of the Minutes was proposed by Cllr Holmes and seconded by Cllr Chandler. It was unanimously agreed that the Chair sign them as a true record.


Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 53 KB

Members to declare any interest as appropriate in respect of items to be considered at this meeting.


The Chair advised that Cllr Orson would normally speak on applications 17/00315/OUT and 17/00636/OUT as the ward councillor, however he had a pecuniary interest and is the immediate neighbour to one of the applicants.


Schedule of Applications


The Chair brought application 16/00704/OUT to the top of the agenda and

advised the Committee that it would not be heard and should be formally



Cllr Wyatt proposed to defer the application.


Cllr Baguley seconded the proposal to defer.


A vote was taken and it was unanimously decided that the application would

be deferred.


17/00315/OUT pdf icon PDF 360 KB

Longcliff Hill House, Longcliffe Hill, Old Dalby

Additional documents:


Applicant: Mr D Benbow & Mrs H Swale

Location: Longcliff Hill House, Longcliffe Hill, Old Dalby

Proposal: Erection of up to 8 dwellings with associated vehicular access


(a) The Planning Officer stated that:

This application seeks outline planning permission for the construction of up to 8 dwelling with access considered at this time, members will be familiar with the application that was deferred from the committee of 27 July 2017.

The application was deferred due to the late submission of information from the applicant, members will have now received the additional information which contained a detailed plan of approved housing development and their

relationship to the site, the information also contained a letter which raised

comment on details of the Committee report.

The additional information is not considered to raise any new points from those within the report but represents an alternative perspective of the relevant issues.

The application presents a balance of competing objectives, there are

significant benefits from this proposal when assessed under the NPPF in terms of housing and some smaller units being offered, along with financial

contributions offered to repair works for the village hall.

The balancing issues are considered to be primarily the location of the

proposal, which poorly relates to the built form of Old Dalby appearing

disjointed with the existing residential built form.

As such the application is recommended for refusal as set out in the report.


(b) Cllr Duncan Bennett, from the Parish Council, was invited to speak and stated that:

·         Additional information adds nothing to the argument

·         Development would be a new direction into open countryside

·         Sets the precedent for further development

·         Agree with officer's recommendation


(c) Simon Proffitt, an objector, was invited to speak and stated that:

·         Neighbourhood Plan had been submitted and the community made an

·         effort to create plan reflective of all needs and wishes

·         The area's housing supply target is already met and exceeded

·         Site is outside limits to development

·         Traffic management concerns - congestion, traffic impact assessment

·         not carried out, impact on safety

·         Narrow hill with a blind bend

·         Neighbourhood Plan carries limited weight


(d) Chris Green, the agent, was invited to speak and stated that:

·         8 residential dwellings

·         Sustainable location

·         Positive pre-application advice with no concerns

·         Small scale and sensitive approach

·         Mix of 3- and 4-bed dwellings

·         Existing street scene and open countryside will be considered

·         No objections from technical consultees

·         Balancing issues form limited weight

·         In keeping with locality

·         Adverse impacts do not outweigh the benefits


A Cllr sought clarification regarding what size the 3- and 4-bed dwellings would be.


The Agent advised that there would be a range from 900sq ft up to 13000sq



The Planning Officer advised that the housing supply trajectory had not been

examined as yet and thus is not binding. The pre-application advice had been

given months previously when a 5 year housing land supply could not be

demonstrated and thus the circumstances now differ.


A Cllr asked if the Neighbourhood Plan was at Regulation 16 stage or  ...  view the full minutes text for item PL32.1


16/00704/OUT pdf icon PDF 633 KB

Field OS 0044 Leicester Road, Frisby on the Wreake


Please refer to minute number PL32


17/00477/FUL pdf icon PDF 174 KB

Owl End, Mill Lane, Frisby on the Wreake


Applicant: Mr & Mrs Halford

Location: Owl End, Mill Lane, Frisby on the Wreake

Proposal: Two detached dwellings


(a) The Planning Officer stated that:

This application seeks full planning permission for the construction of 2 detached dwellings on the northern edge of Frisby on the Wreake.

The site is currently used as garden area for Owl End, the site is separated from Owl end by garden planting, the site is outside of but adjoins the Frisby on the Wreake Conservation Area.


Members should be aware that a request has been made to the Secretary of

State to consider this planning application against the call-in policy as set out in the written Ministerial Statement of 26 October 2012.


Members should note that if they are minded to approve the application, then a decision cannot be issued until the Secretary of State has considered whether or not to call in the application. Therefore the officer recommendation in this instance is amended to approval ‘subject to’ the assessment of the application by the Secretary of State.


The application presents a balance of competing objectives, there are benefits

from this proposal when assessed under the NPPF in terms of housing in a

location that preforms reasonably well in terms of access to facilities and

transport links particularly to Melton Mowbray.


The balancing issues are considered to be development of a greenfield site and potential conflict with the Frisby Neighbourhood Plan. The Neighbourhood Plan has completed the Local Authority publicity period but is yet to be the subject of Examination or Referendum and one task for the Committee will be to consider the weight it should carry. Details of the position and content of the NP are addressed on pages 8 and 9 of the report


The application is recommended for approval subject to review by the Secretary of State and conditions as set out in the report.


(b) Mike Patterson, on behalf of objectors, was invited to speak and stated that:

·         Area floods and can be impassable by cars

·         The flooding issue has not been resolved and further development may

·         increase the problem

·         Cobbles should be retained

·         Parking on the sides of the road causes bottlenecks

·         Traffic increase

·         Farmers, Network Rail and National Grid often use the road

·         Speed issues endanger pedestrians and horses

·         No clearly defined footpath

·         Single track entrance with blind bend

·         Outside limited development line

·         Borders conservation area

·         Overly developed character and unsympathetic

·         Overbearing


The Head of Regulatory Services stated the site is outside the village

envelope but sought clarification how that was in conflict with the Neighbourhood Plan.


Mr Patterson explained that Policy H3 in the Neighbourhood Plan supports

development within limits to development but it does not specifically exclude it

outside. The Neighbourhood Plan sets out the context about protection of the

countryside and the need to focus development where the community wants

it. Whereas the Policy H3 have taken in isolation does appear to be loose,

with the narrative it meets the basic condition. There could be disagreements

as  ...  view the full minutes text for item PL32.3


17/00636/OUT pdf icon PDF 313 KB

The Paddock, Dalby Road, Nether Broughton


Applicant: Mr John Sim

Location: The Paddock, Dalby Road, Nether Broughton

Proposal: Proposed 9 dwellings and associated access Arrangements


(a) The Planning Officer stated that:

There are no updates to the report.


This application seeks outline permission for the erection of 9 dwellings, access, layout and scale are considered at this time with appearance and landscaping reserved for later submission.

The application site is located off Old Dalby Lane on the edge of the village, the site is currently utilised as paddock land.


On balance of the issues, the proposal is considered to offer benefit when

assessed as required under the guidance in the NPPF in terms of housing supply and the smaller number of bedrooms along with starter homes proposed.


However the balancing issues are considered to be development that would be in a less than sustainable village and where the site is disconnected from the core of the village.


As such the application is recommended for refusal as set out in the report.


The Chair asked Members if they would suspend standing orders to allow Cllr

Dorn to substitute Cllr Bennett as the Parish Council representative. It was

unanimously decided that standing orders should be suspended.


(b) Cllr Dorn, from the Parish Council, stated that:

·         Total of 150 houses, 36 already approved provides 24% increase

·         Pre-submission of Local Plan classifies Nether Broughton as a rural

·         settlement

·         3 dwellings may be suitable

·         The site is unsustainable

·         No facilities other than a church, village hall and pub

·         Public transport reduced

·         Greenfield site, not integrated

·         Outside limited development

·         Negative impact on character

·         Contrary to NPPF

·         11 letters of support but none of these live in Nether Broughton


A Cllr asked if there was a bus supplied to Old Dalby and Melton Mowbray for

school transport.


Cllr Dorn stated that there is.


(c) Maurice Fairhurst, the agent, was invited to speak and stated that:

·         Provide affordable housing to allow people to get on the housing ladder

·         Low lying, poor quality grazing ground

·         Not isolated, similar dwellings nearby

·         Footpaths links to other villages

·         Bus service and employment opportunities at the business park

·         Mixed use housing on 1.4 acres

·         Low density

·         Set back from road behind trees

·         One point of access to maintain highway safety

·         Not adverse impact

·         No objection from statutory consultees

·         Highways requirements met

·         S106 contribution

·         Housing is not being delivered quick enough so this would be delivered before the 3yr requirement

·         Benefits outweigh the harms

·         Not contrary to NPPF


The Head of Regulatory Services stated that it was conventional to put a three

year limit on developments, but perhaps this should be shortened in line with the agent's offer.


A Cllr stated that they liked to see small developments as it is easier to become part of a community.


A Cllr stated that the public transport is insufficient.


Cllr Wyatt proposed to permit the application as it is an acceptable site and

provides a good mix of dwellings.


Cllr Botterill seconded the proposal to permit.


The Planning Officer clarified that  ...  view the full minutes text for item PL32.4


Urgent Business

To consider any other items that the Chair considers urgent



The Officers and Members discussed some existing cases.